Friday, September 16, 2011

Compare Legitimate Payday Cash Advance Lenders - How to use a Review Site to Compare Payday Lenders

There are legitimate payday cash advance lenders out there but you need to know where to look as there are many predatory lenders that take advantage of desperate consumers and charge above market finance charges. It is therefore very important that you compare payday lenders before jumping right in and going with the first lender who accepts your application. It is worth your time to use a review site to compare payday lenders and get multiple quotes as this is truly the best way to get the lowest market rate available on your short term loan.

Legitimate payday cash advance lenders will provide you a short term loan usually anywhere from $100 - $1,500 and will expect repayment of the borrowed amount plus a finance charge on your next payday or whenever both parties agree to. A typical finance charge is $15 for every $100 you borrow although you can find better deals online if you know where to look. If you are unable to repay the short term loan on your next payday then the lender will extend or "roll over" your balance to your next payday. It is important though that you try to pay off the payday loan as soon as possible because the finance charges can add up quickly if you continue to push back the repayment period.

Legitimate payday cash advance lenders will require that you meet a few conditions in order to qualify for a short term loan. The main thing that lenders are concerned with is that you are currently employed or have a source of income. If you have a job, are 18 years old, a United States citizen, and have an active checking/savings account, then you will have no problem getting a short term loan.

If you are currently experiencing short term cash flow problems and are in need of quick cash then you will obviously want to get the best deal. I would strongly discourage you from going directly to a particular payday lender as you never really no if you are getting the best rate. Instead, the most efficient way to receive multiple quotes and get the best deal on your short term loan, is to utilize a multiple lender website that is affiliated with several legitimate payday cash advance lenders. These websites will make the payday loan companies compete over your loan and therefore you are able to choose the one that was able to offer you the best deal. Going through a multiple lender website will save you time and money and they have consistently offered consumers the best market rate.

For a payday cash advance loan lender that has consistently provided competitive rates check out this link:

Easy Cash Advance Loan

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