Thursday, September 08, 2011

MLM Network Marketing Training--How to Develop a 90 Day Marketing Plan of Action

Copyright (c) 2009 Ontarian Ke'Chan Hawkins

As a MLM network marketing trainer and consultant, I know the importance of incorporating a 90 day marketing plan of action into a business, especially multi-level programs. In order to attain immediate momentum in your new business, this step is the most important of them all. So how is this marketing plan developed, and what pillars of marketing are necessary for ultimate success?

Strength vs. Weakness

The first components to consider with a 90 day marketing plan are your strengths and weaknesses in marketing. Are you an intermediate online marketer, a beginner, or advanced? Are you a good writer? Do you feel shy being on video? Are you a good speaker? These are great questions to ask yourself before outlining a plan of action. I have personally found my strengths to be in three major areas of marketing. These include article marketing, blogging, and video marketing. The key is to have at least 3-5 pillars of marketing circulating on a daily basis. Being a mlm network marketing training coach, I always emphasize the beauty of marketing pillars.

Get Sound Advice

Now that you have recognized your strengths and weaknesses, you are now ready to move forward in your 90 day marketing plan, but wait, you need sound advice from a professional who's had the chance to implement the marketing plan thoroughly, especially if this is your first time. In the mlm network marketing business, good sound advice comes every once in a while from a few good leaders. Find a coach, mentor, or guide that will walk you through the training you need to succeed in your business. Having all the right answers in the beginning will make life a lot easier once you begin to move forward.

Implement the 90 Day Marketing Plan

Now that you've done your homework in identifying your strength and weakness, you've received sound advice from an elite mlm network marketing trainer, you are now ready to implement the plan of action. After 90 days, simply start the plan over again for another 90 days. Do this over and over and over time, it will become a no-brainer and your mlm business will soon soar. A typical marketing plan looks like this:

Day 1-- Blogging/Social Bookmark/Article Marketing

Day 2- Video Marketing/Podcast/Social Bookmark

Day 3- Newspaper Advertising/Postcard Marketing

Day 4--Facebook & Myspace Prospecting

Day 5--Regroup/Rest


Starting a mlm network marketing business can be a real pain if a 90 day marketing plan of action is not in the mix. I make sure all my clients understand the importance of this technique. Cash flow and leads are what keep a multi-level marketing company in business, and without them, the business is soon to fold. Implementing the tips above will help move your business forward in style.


Ontarian is an elite mlm network marketing trainer and consultant for home business owners. He is an expert in showing entrepreneurs how to incorporate a 90 day marketing plan of action into their sales funnel. He is graciously giving away his Free Zombie Marketing Report with numerous tips, tricks, and mindset on how to succeed with these strategies.

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