Saturday, September 03, 2011

Money Making Ideas and Free Ebooks Hotline (1-900-263-5588)

A new concept in phone hotlines has been created for the 21st century. In the past all you got when you called a hotline was a few minute tip, for your time and effort. Most of the time the hotlines of old were for sex, dating or sports.

Enter the New Money Making Ideas and Free Ebooks Hotline. This hotline not only gives you valuable tips and information, but also access to quality ebooks you can download directly to you computer from the secret website url you will be given when you call. This hotline has information on money making opportunities, CD products, and quality ebooks.

You get access to at least 12 quality ebooks that sell for up to $20 each. You get these books just for listening to the 1 minute message that tells you the url of the website where the ebooks can be downloded from. The cost of the hotline call is $4.99 a minute.

Here is the great part - you don't have to listen to the hotline for more than a minute to get to access to the ebooks you want that can be downloaded directly to your computer from the website that will be mentioned. Just choose the Free Ebooks option when you call. (1-900-263-5588). You will how ever need a winzip and an adobe reader program downloaded to you computer, both can be downloaded free of charge.

Here is a list of the Quality Free Ebooks you will be downloading from the site:

* Smart Parenting 101
* 25 Ways to make money on the internet
* Escape Credit Card Debt
* Beginner's Guide to Stocks
* Beginner's Guide to getting Fit
* 50 greatest Dating Ideas
* Build Self Esteem the Easy Way
* Self Improvement made easy
* How to Borrow Money
* 175 ways to Reduce and Burn calories
* Insider's Guide to Government Grants
* Ebay Riches Ebook

For listening to the hotline for only 1 minute you get all of the above quality ebooks worth up to $240.
An added bonus on the site are 2 links to hundreds of other free ebooks on making money, starting a business, finance,
recipes, dating, self improvement and many other areas you can think of.

This is new and experimental and may be stopped at anytime so call today at: !-900-263-5588, Select the free ebooks option.
Also visit for more details.

More Free Related articles at:

For more information click here

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