Thursday, September 08, 2011

Webucation, High Growth Online Business Opportunity

Webucation is education and knowledge delivered 100% via the Internet. The market for continuing education is already much bigger than most people realize. The potential of webucation is so vast that for one to succeed, others don't have to fail.

Webucation has Great Growth Potential
According to Peter Drucker of Forbes Magazine, "Webucation is the next GREAT growth opportunity ... an organization with a powerful webucation product and a virtual income opportunity ..."

An estimated 90,000 courses at U.S. colleges and universities are delivered by some form of distance learning. Among the current and prospective operators of virtual classrooms are established universities that want to expand their reach without expanding their physical plants.

Peter Drucker of Forbes Magazine puts webucation into its true perspective: "We live in an economy where knowledge, not buildings and machinery, is the chief resource and where knowledge-workers make up the biggest part of the work force."

Webucation truly opens the doors of knowledge to anyone that seeks it.

Demand on Continuing Adult Education triggers high growth
Education has been a significant contributor to America's Gross National Product (GNP), more that $1 trillion. According to Peter Drucker in year 2000, the growth in Education will continue to grow rapidly, not so much in the traditional academic education, but rather in continuing adult education. And the online method of distributing such education is the main trigger to the high growth.

What trigger such high demand for Webucation:
1. The world economy is moving towards knowledge based. Workers have to always gain new skill and knowledge. Many of such skill are non-academic and are not taught in school. For example entrepreneur skill can only be taught by successful entrepreneurs. The academic Professor in the university may not have the skill and experience to teach such subject.

2. Due to globalisation, people are moving more frequently and there is lesser time for individual to go for traditional seminar courses. The Internet and online education package provides the flexibility and mobility for people to learn at their own time, own pace and own space.

3. The Internet and the advancement of technology have influenced the lifestyle of people. This has facilitated new delivery channel on education and a natural demand for such services.

It is no doubt that Webucation will continue to be the main growth for the Education Industry. Though it will not replace the traditional education, it will likely be the dominant channel for education. In fact more and more traditional education institutions are incorporating online learning or called e-Learning as part of the education delivery media. The acceptance on learning through online web based program will become more natural and really, webucation will become a standard in both academic and non-academic education.

SkyQuestCom is one of the World-leading online education portal. Being ranked Top 7th fastest growing Technology Company in Asia Pacific by Deloitte, it has the most world-class Speakers in one portal. You can review some online training video seminars from SkyQuestCom from this site:

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