Perhaps the most common question that people ask when considering how to start their own eBay business, or simply to make a little extra pocket money, is what are the best selling items on eBay?
This does seem like the logical place to start if you want to make money buying and selling online. You want to purchase items that people want if you are going to sell them on after all! Unfortunately things aren't quite so simple however, as those items that sell the most successfully on eBay are also likely to have the most competition in the form of other sellers.
Don't let this put you off from following a dream of starting out on eBay however, as there are many niche markets that offer best selling items on eBay without such high competition.
Start with eBay Pulse
First things first, head over to eBay Pulse. This is a website provided by the good people at eBay to show you exactly what the top ten most searched for items in every category and sub-category are. It may not inform you as to whether people are actually buying said items, but just knowing what individuals are searching for is vital information in looking for things to sell.
You will undoubtedly see some of the known best selling items on eBay crop up time and time again, such as clothing with popular brand names and games for the latest console. However even these very common successful selling areas will fluctuate.
Always remember that times change
If you decided to monitor eBay Pulse over the course of a year you would start to notice that some incredibly popular items will sometimes simply vanish. This could be because a newer model was released, or simply because the product is no longer in fashion. The specifics don't matter; what matters is that the most popular items on eBay change on a regular basis.
This is the reason why it is impossible to provide a list of the current bestsellers on the auction website, as it would be out of date almost before it was published. You will need to conduct regular research to add your own success story to that of the other individuals that make a great living from eBay.
Successful research
If the thought of researching to find the best products to sell on eBay hasn't put you off then now is the time to start. We've already mentioned eBay Pulse and, although it is true that trends will certainly change on this website, it is still useful to use to understand exactly what your prospective clients are looking for right now. Remember to drill down into the sub-categories on offer until you reach a potential niche market.
With a product in mind from eBay Pulse you should now have a look around eBay itself. Understand who else is selling the product and for how much. Start to realise if the majority of auctions for these items are actually being sold. Before long you should start to realise if the product that you identified in eBay Pulse could be used to make you some money.
Amanda O'Brien is a successful eBay Powerseller and author of three eBay home study courses - 'The 2,500 Per Week eBay Powersellers Secrets' , 'The Ultimate eBay Success System' and 'Ultimate Product Sourcing Secrets'. Want to learn more about starting an eBay business or simply want to improve your eBay sales? Claim your free eBay Selling Secrets Report at Powerseller Pod.
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