I know you have heard of Craigslist, but do you really know the way to use this Internet classified internet site to your advantage for excellent deals on used welding equipment?Most people I know just pull up Craigslist and enter a keyphrase like'Lincoln Invertec welder' and go through the results one by one shopping for the best price on a welder. That's the extent of their shopping online for used welding equipment.Come visit us right here for more Welder and Welding Info and get two Welding Ebooks welding equipment for sale. http://www.welderworld.com/But there are some tips which will help you get the top deal on a Craigslist welding machine. The way to search the entire country is to either go to Google and type Craigslist. Generally the first result also provides a search box letting you search all items on Craigslist regardless of location. The other trick is to just enter a complicated site search into Google search box for example if you were looking for a miller tig welder you would enter this into the Google search bar:Tip two Another Tip for getting good deals on used welding apparatus is to search your local Craiglist lists for mispellings. Tip 3 If you are shopping for a gigantic and expensive item like a miller syncrowave 250 or three hundred, you may think about looking at cities that are within driving distance. I have got a friend who did this and wound up driving from Atlanta to Nashville but got a good Miller Syncrowave 250 for about $1300.Since some of them sell for around $ 2k, it was definitely worth the drive.Tip 4 Insist on seeing a real image of the welding equipment. If a seller is not prepared to send a genuine photo...walk away from the deal, period.Come visit us right here for more Welder and Welding Info and get two Welding Ebooks welding equipment for sale. http://www.welderworld.com/.
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