Network Marketing is a people based business. To be successful your job is to tell as many people about the great product or service you represent and about the great opportunity your distributor provides. To effectively get this message out you must advertise. You have a lot of different choices of where and how to accomplish this. We will look at some of the different ways to get the word out and grow your downline.
Let's start with the hardest one to take advantage of: Purchasing Leads. This is method is tricky because you have to be so very careful of where you buy your leads. If you don't do some homework you will find yourself buying old contacts or those of people who are have no interest in network marketing. Do some research, be sure that the company you choose to buy leads from is reliable and is genuinely focused on network marketing. You want people who have already expressed an interest in further information on network marketing opportunities. They should also be able to assure you their leads are fresh. Fresh means people who have not already been contacted by loads of people or people who have requested further information but have not been contacted in so long they have forgotten they ever asked.
Trade shows can be a great place to generate interested in your products as well as get good leads'if you go about it the right way. To peak interest you should have an attractive, eye-catching display area for your products. Make sure you have plenty of fliers, brochures and such lying about with information about the products you offer as well as the business opportunity you represent. Another easy way to gather leads is to have a drawing or some other promotional offer. Each person who drops their name and contact information in a box requesting you contact them with further information is entered into a drawing for a prize'.maybe a gift basked of some your companies most popular products.
A brochure or flier campaign can be a very effective tool. You should always have a few of these with where ever you go. This will allow you to put a succinct package of information on your products and opportunities into interested party's hands at any given time. Now they have your name and contact number and can easily contact you. One key thing to keep in mind if you ever decided to do a mass mailing of fliers is this'..Never mail what you can physically place in someone's hand. They will take you and the opportunity you represent much more seriously face to face. This simple rule will increase the return on a mass mailing and decrease your costs in the bargain.
Obviously there are other ways to advertise your network marketing business. Generating interest in your products and constantly attracting new people will help you grow a successful downline and as your downline grows and prospers so do you.
Wendy Stevens as a single mom vaulted to the top of the Direct Sales Industry in 8 short months. Wendy is a former 3-time Division I All American Lacrosse Player and NCAA Division I National Champion. She established the women's Lacrosse program at Vanderbilt University and led them to a Top 20 ranking in 2 years. She is a hands-on professional with a demonstrated record of success as a Division 1 NCAA Head Coach, Teacher, Trainer, Mentor and Speaker. She is one of the top 1% earners in the direct sales industry. She has earned 7 figures in networking marketing. For more information on Wendy, please visit
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