* You Can't Direct the Wind But You Can Adjust the Sails *� 2004 - Dan Hamilton - All rights reservedYou may republish this article freely elecronically (in ezines,ebooks, websites, emags etc) or in print as long as the resource boxis included. Do send the author a courtesy copy of published materialand if published at a website, make the site known. Thank you.Dear Friend,Today I would like to provide you with a newperspective and new insights to help you defineeffective marketing strategies and tactics that willinsure the growth of your online business.First of all, let's take a look at the meaning of theword "metamorphosis" and how it can possibly be ofinterest to marketing.Metamorphosis: Noun (plural metamorphoses - saymetuh�mawfuhseez) � "the change of form, structure, orsubstance, as transformation; the structural orfunctional modification of a plant organ or structureduring its development."Applied to marketing, this does clearly suggest aprocess by which we can possibly transform ourselvesand adapt to an ever-changing and complex environmentor marketplace with the clear intent to become andremain successful.It's all about our personal growth and our ability toreact to the multiple challenges of life in generaland the modern world in particular.In a way, I am tempted to say it's all about themetamorphosis of marketing tadpoles into leapingfrogs!Identifying and aligning all the pieces of this complexpuzzle takes time, quite a bit of thinking anddetermination. It also requires that we constantlyreconsider our approach and refine our strategies.Transforming ourselves has been a necessity since thedawn of humanity and it is not any different in themodern world: if we want to stay in business, we haveto evolve.Let's keep in mind that it is us who have to adapt tothe environment or the marketplace and not the otherway around.This is a hard fact, it cannot be argued upon: no onecan expect to win at any game without first knowingthe rules and principles.Life is a serious game where it is possible to have alot of fun. It has strict rules though. First we needto study the rules then comes the fun. Likewise,marketing is a serious game where it is possible tohave a lot of fun. Again, first we need to study andmaster the rules.It takes time to fully master all the different rulesand principles of life - the Great Pyramids of Gizawere not built in a day after all.It is a visible sign reminding us all of the astoundingresults that can be accomplished with vision,determination and persistence.This is exactly the same behavior we want to apply inour marketing if we are to get results of the samemagnitude.What we have to do is study the founding principles ofsuccess and get better at applying them effectively inthe real world: on the marketing battlefield.It's a fact: we need to get better at masteringmarketing strategies that lead to higher levels ofsuccess.Regardless of our personal level of success, the #1critical success factor to accomplish this isdetermined by our ability to identify and process thevery information that will give us the leverage we lackto reach the next step and enable greater success.The most efficient and fastest way to increase oursuccess is through the adoption of behavioral patternsthat will create more and more success for us. Itpretty much works like a snowball effect: the firststep is to get it started to the best of our knowledgeand abilities.It can always be improved in the course of time. Thatdecision is ours to make. No one else can make it forus.In my monthly newsletter, I discuss how it all works:how states of mind and behavioral patterns areintimately connected and how one does influence theother greatly, be it in a positive or in a negativeway.To receive my monthly newsletter, simply send a blankemail to: guerrilla_news@...All the best,Dan Hamiltondan@...Certified Guerrilla MarketerProudly affiliated with Jay Conrad Levinson'sGuerrilla Marketing Association� 2004 - Dan Hamilton - All rights reserved
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