To establish a small manufacturing enterprise, an entrepreneur needs to be a strong willed person who has the desire to succeed no matter the many predicaments that may arise. For one, there are very many laws and regulations that govern the manufacturing industry. The entrepreneur, will be required to conform to all the licensing bodies, may it be the government or the local authorities requirements. Add to this, there numerous licenses required, depending on the line of manufacturing you are contemplating to enter to. These requirements are not limited to small companies alone but to the whole manufacturing industry. It does not matter where you are based in the world, you will have to adhere to the requirements, otherwise, you will not be allowed to carry out you manufacturing business. These rules, laws and manufacturing regulations are mostly concerned with health, any type of pollution and the quality of the manufactured products. What a person or a group need to know is that getting all these very necessary documents may take ages, so they have to be patient.
Some of the best small manufacturing ideas that can be carried out at your home include:
i. Furniture making
This falls under, small home-based manufacturing section of an enterprise. Furniture such as lockers, bookshelves, showcases, chairs, tables etc will always be required by the society at large. This being so, it is a very viable option to start yourselves a furniture manufacturing business, in fact, you are going to do very well in it.
ii. Drinking water business.
Every living organism uses water to quench its thirst. Human beings are not left, they need water regularly to purify and cool their body systems. There is no other quencher than pure natural water. Here, a person could mint good money by tapping into this everlasting natural mineral that is very essential for human survival. Without sweet water, there is no life anywhere. Now-a-days, it has become the norm to see people carrying small battles of mineral water which they buy in stores. This being the case, one can start their own water packing business at their own home and sell the packages to these stores. All you have to do is to comply with the requirements by the governing bodies to start this very profitable business.
iii. Soap Manufacturing business
This is another business a person may venture in. If you go to the shopping mall, it is full of different soap brands. This should deter you from manufacturing another broad of soap, if you come up with a unique soap brand you are always going to have a market ready for you product. Furthermore, this type of a manufacturing entity does not require a huge amount of start up capital to establish.
iv. Commercial Bread baking.
Everybody from kids to their grandparents loves bread. They use this product daily and on regular intervals. This makes it a very viable business consideration for any business minded entrepreneur. One advantage of starting this business is, the star-up capital is minimal, and, you can do it at your own home comfortably. So, what are you waiting for, jump at the opportunity of your lifetime and see your sweat bearing fruits.
By Freddy Ngiam, Founder & CEO of
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