Sunday, August 28, 2011

Starting A Vermiculture Business

Below is some basic information to assist you in choosing the correct composting worm for your own personal needs.

Red Wrigglers-- Excellent If Sole Reason Is Composting.

Red wrigglers also known as red wigglers are the best compost worm when it comes to assisting in the breakdown of food scraps. They are quick to take hold to their new surroundings, usually staying together rather than wandering off seperately.

They prefer a temperature of approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit range. Do not let the small size of these worms fool you as they can eat half their body weight each and every day. Red wigglers will eat vegetable scraps, shredded newspaper and cardboard, turning them into what is referred to as Black Gold or worm castings.

African Nightcrawler Worms -- Fantastic Worm If Sole Function Is for Both Composting and or Angling.

These are a top-quality worm with a dual purpose. They not only eat more than the other red worms but also make an excellent fishing worm, growing to lengths of 8 to 10 inches long. They reproduce very rapidly under the correct conditions however take approximately eight months to reach 7-8 inches in length.

African nightcrawlers worm castings are different looking as well as feeling than other red worms. The castings are darker yet lighter and fluffier. There is no difference in the worm castings when it comes to microorganism's growth or PH levels.

The African nightcrawler is more heat tolerant and prefers temperatures between 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. They will eat your basic vegetable scraps, however make a better manure worm otherwise use Worm Chow as a supplement, changing the materials into Black Gold. They will survive well in simple bedding made of shredded cardboard and newspapers.

European Nightcrawlers- Splendid for Those Whose Primary Purpose Is Fishing.

Even though a favorite of many fishermen, there are other worms which under the right conditions can out produce the European.. They also do a good job composting your scraps; however, they are not as good as the red wiggler or African nightcrawlers.

These nightcrawlers grow to approximately 3 - 4 inches in overall length, survive in cooler water temperatures and also survive in brackish waters..

European nightcrawler worms will do well when raised in a temperature range of 65 to 75 degrees. They will eat basic vegetable scraps however to fatten for fishing it is best to supplement some Purina Worm Chow.

Alabama Jumpers-- Great for Fishing, Yard and Garden Composting.

The Alabama jumper is a unique composting worm being it is tougher to eaise in bins, however, prefers clay and sandy soils due to the tougher skin they have. This allows them to penetrate even the hardest packed clay soil and sandy soils escaping harm which would kill off other worms.

They do eat vegetable scraps as well as carbon-based products, i.e. hay, shredded cardboard, leaves. Living up to its name, the Alabama Jumpers, AKA Georgia Jumpers, Wigglers, will wiggle so hard and fast they become a recoiled spring, hence jumping right out of your hand. Wiggling as hard as these worms do, just imagine what they look like to the fish.

When composting outside, your Alabama Jumpers will spread out throughout your yard or garden area over time as they reproduce in numbers, coming to the surface to feed and leaving the worm castings behind. As they continue to work the soil they aerate it and will not harm your plants nor the roots of your plants.

Alabama jumpers can tolerate as far north as Tennessee. When the colder weather comes, they will burrow below the frost levels.

There you have it, the basic information needed when selecting "composting worms" that will work best for you!

Get your free discount coupon codes when you sign up for the Worm Composting Newsletter from Organic Worm Farm, http://OrganicWormFarm

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