Starting a soap business is just about as easy and cheap as anything you can do. Problem is though, everybody else has the same idea. So how could you make money in a sea of competition. Here's how.
Start small.
Operate just out of your kitchen sink and make serious part-time income. Don't even think about buying a bunch of production equipment before you perfect your soap in the kitchen sink. A hobby soap maker has all the tools to make and sell thousands of bars of soap. Don't think you can't build a professional quality product in your kitchen.
Looks Count.
Molds often separate the gross looking soap from beautiful soap. So get some molds and cutters to make beautiful bars. Professional molds won't cost you much at all. They make a world of difference. They're cheap if you choose the right kind.
Make it unique.
Put a twist on your products and nobody else has the same thing. It's easy. Pick some thing that you like and can do that's different. Use regional scents as signature soaps. Make organic soap. Make milk soap. Specialize in wild colors. Use only essential oils for scents. You name it. Make your soap special. Then what?
Sell in volume.
You can sell a few bars at a premium price, but not very many. Your price should be about what your local competition charges. That way you can move many bars. How's that?
Get in front of a lot of people that buy soap. That's at festivals or crafts shows or school events. You can move much soap really fast. What next?
Follow up.
Nobody much does this. This is how you can stay at home and make money. Keep a growing customer list. Mail a brochure or catalog, and it doesn't need to be fancy, to your customers. If your products are top notch, your customers will order from a catalog you send them. We mailed a little handmade catalog to our customer list about twice a year. Ten to twenty percent of those customers mailed us back a check. This is a huge way to build a little mail order business. Starting a soap business like this has potential for making thousands of dollars a year right from home.
So simple, but nearly nobody in the craft business does this. But we did and you can too. Visit our web site for details. Click here --- for answers to your soap business questions.
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