Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Business Roundtable - Will It Provide Advice Small Business Owners Are Looking For?

Have you heard that the more you give the more you receive? Who better to provide answers to small business owners' questions than other business owners who have experienced similar challenges? Owning a business doesn't have to be lonely. Consider starting or joining a business roundtable.

A well run business roundtable is a great forum for sharing ideas and challenges. What exactly is a business roundtable? It's a gathering of small business owners where issues pertinent to each person in the group are discussed, ideas are generated and problems may even be solved.

Starting a business roundtable in your area is not at all difficult and as the facilitator, you can either choose the topic to be discussed each time you meet or ask a few people to be ready to present an issue that they are currently facing for your topic. Having some of your attendees present an issue will ensure that your discussions are exactly what your attendee's are experiencing TODAY! But, don't make the meeting all about just one attendee. You should be able to address the current concerns of three or four people at each meeting and as a group, come up with solutions that are valuable to everyone present.

What are some popular topics that get the conversations going? It seems that any thing to do with marketing is a very popular topic. Doesn't this make sense? A person ready to be in business for themself should know their product or service, know how to set up their business, where to purchase the products that they need and even how to treat their customers. It is a fairly logical task also, to calculate the cost of each of these and therefore your cost of doing business.

The one area that many people overlook when setting up a business is determining who their customer will be and how to go about getting the word about their new business out to the customers looking for their help. And so, marketing is where new business owners get stuck. This is often the place where they fold, not having any idea how or enough money to get through the dilemna.

If you find this to be true, you could encourage people that have been successful in this area to attend your meetings and provide your other attendees with the answers that they are so looking for.

Whether this is or is not the most popular topic in your area, pay attention to what that topic might be and invite people that you see that are successful in that area in order to provide maximum help and input.

Many small business owners work crazy hours and often don't know where to turn for help and advice when they have an issue. Wouldn't it be nice if a local business roundtable was available to them? You'll find that lots of people will come even if they don't have a particular issue because of how much they benefit just from listening to everyone else.

Times are tough. You can't afford to pay for advice each time you have a question or need a little input. Why not put together your own business roundtable? Who better to offer advice than someone experiencing similar issues?

Are you looking for a venue to share your experiences and learn from others? Start by making sure that you choose a location that is convenient to you.

Would you like to learn exactly how we have successfully set up a business roundtable and see examples of how we have helped our fellow small business owners? Click the link below to learn more about how to find small business owners to attend, where to find a free location to have your meeting, how often should they occur, would meetings at night or meetings during the day be better attended and lots more.

Like everything else, you have decide if this is right for you and then JUST DO IT!

For more information click here

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