Sunday, August 28, 2011

Scriptures Review: A Free Christian Home Business

Scriptures is a Legitimate, Christian Work at Home Business that has a Gospel Based Mission, along with Unique Products and Packaging. Part of their Business Model is a proven Marketing Strategy and Training Program that helps even the inexperienced build a successful lifetime business. Scriptures is both an Offline, and Online Christian Home Business Opportunity.

Scriptures is owned by Rosario Abate. Rosario, a Born Again Christian, was the Director of Education for the Hair Academy Advanced School of Hair design and a National Hair Stylist for Helene Curtis Professional Products. He also had a Christian Radio Show called "Get a Life" that aired in Cleveland, OH on WCCD.

Scriptures Products are a line of Professional one-of-a-kind hair, skin, bath and nutritional products. All of their products are never tested on animals, but safe and Natural.

The ingenious part of the Scriptures Product Line is their Trademarked Packaging. Rosario has not forgotten every Christian's Mission; to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ! He has achieved this by placing a New Testament Bible Verse prominently on every product. And, the full sized products also have a Salvation Message on the back with an invitation to receive Jesus Christ as Savior.

I also like the idea of the Church helping the Church. Let's face it, these are products that we all have to use everyday. If you're a Christian with Christian friends and family, then uniting together with this company just makes sense. When you join Scriptures, you can either use their products or take advantage of a Genuine Christian Home Business. The potential to make thousands and even tens of thousands every month, while spreading the Gospel is truly living the ideal Disciple Lifestyle.

The only thing I don't like about Scriptures is the "Network Marketing" thing. Network Marketing over the years has gotten somewhat of a bad reputation. Mostly because some of these companies have 2 serious flaws…they make you pay to sign up (so that someone else can get paid) and they have that all to common Marketing Strategy! - They tell you to "get a legal pad and a pen and write done every person you know and do business with."

After you have a list with at least 50 or more people, then you're to go out and "sell them on your product". As you can see, this strategy forces one into an uncomfortable situation right off the start. This technique dooms the newbie for failure, and might prohibit a very otherwise successful person from hitting their full potential.

Thankfully, Scriptures has not gone down this path, but takes a rather different approach to helping members get off to a profitable start.

Following the true Biblical premise of Prosperity, "Give and it is Given Unto You"; Signing up with Scriptures is Free, they mail Free Info Packs to anyone that requests them at company expense, they give you a Free Turnkey Website and Free Fast-Start Training. It truly is a Free Christian Home Based Business Opportunity.

It's easy to see how Stay-at-Home Moms (and Dads) looking for an Honest, Christian Home Business Idea could look to Scriptures for the answer.

Explore the Scriptures Opportunity Today! God Bless!

For more information click here

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