A good marketing campaign consists of three elements. Alternatively, a poor marketing campaign lacks these three elements and are usually doomed to failure or at the very least a lackluster performance. The three key elements to a good marketing program, whether article marketing or anything else, are a targeted market, a consistent effort and a relevant, timely message. That's it concisely. Of course, there are the little addendums that are unique to each specific program. However, all successful marketing campaigns share these three fundamental elements.
A good marketing campaign will have a specific audience it is aiming at. A poor marketing campaign will aim at everyone hoping to connect with someone. With a targeted market, an affiliate marketer will focus on the unique needs of a particular consumer group. If the product he or she sells is a health and wellness weight-control product then the target group may be baby boomers looking to embrace healthier eating and exercise habits. With this niche market as the focus of the internet marketer's efforts, all elements of the program are geared to this demographic so a cohesive and finely tuned message is brought to them.
Any article writing, article promotion, and article distribution will focus on this target market. An affiliate marketer will not target his or her article marketing or any other marketing they do to young twenty-something's who are living an active extreme sports lifestyle. They are probably not too concerned with slowing metabolisms and middle-age paunches. A good marketing campaign that wants to gain customers from the baby boom generation will market to them accordingly "speaking their language." A poor marketing program will try to convey the same "language" aka message to the entire consumer marketplace. It's a waste of time, money and effort. This type of marketing will garner little return on investment.
Good marketing programs have consistency as their hallmark. Poor ones have sporadic bursts of activity, which do not amount to a sustained effort that keeps affiliate names in front of their intended audience. Consistency is important because a target market needs repetitive messages brought to it to gain its attention. This doesn't mean repetitive, boring messages, though. It means repeatedly being in the niche market's face, creatively, so they pay attention.
Think of that famous hamburger chain that consistently rolls out unique advertising and promotions. You know their name, their products and their famous spokes-clown because they made a concerted and repetitive effort to make sure you do. They did not toss a marketing campaign out there once every six months hoping that would be enough. As an affiliate marketer you have to live the "marketer" part of your moniker on a consistent basis. Your article marketing and other programs will succeed if you do. A poor marketing program will do whatever, whenever, and may never see results that bring in cash flow.
Finally, a good marketing campaign will have a relevant and timely message. The message that an internet marketer dishes out to a niche market must answer questions they need answered. It must present to them up-to-date information on a topic they are interested in concerning your affiliate product.
Take that health and wellness product you may be marketing. You want to have the latest studies about the product in your marketing message. All your article writing and web content must have the latest information available about your product as part of its content. Your target market does not want rehashing of old studies. They don't want the same old words about the same old features that they see everywhere else. They want to know what's new about a product.
Your article topics need to bring them the latest developments concerning your product and new features and benefits. Your marketing campaign, if it's a good one, will pique their interest as to something new about a product. If there's nothing new, at least arouse their interest by showing them a unique use or benefit of the product that's new to them.
It's all about keeping your marketing program and the content of your marketing program fresh and intriguing for the consumer who absorbs your message. A poor marketing program is not relevant and is yesterday's news. Yesterday's news ends up in the garbage bin; where stagnant affiliate-marketing businesses end up too.
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Make your marketing program targeted, consistent, relevant and timely. Do not make it a general, inconsistent and tired marketing message that elicits yawns and inattention. There are lots of those types of marketing campaigns out there that fall by the wayside. You know who they are by the number of broken unattended links they lead to on the web. They are the abandoned affiliate marketing programs that lacked purpose. A good marketing program has a purpose as outlined above and is one that contributes to the long-term success of your affiliate business.
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